Indian Express

Chitral GandhiMahesh BheemarajAmit Kumar

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Numele echipei: Indian Express
Site-ul echipei:
Fondată: Sezonul 3, Cursa 1
Trofee: 0
Victorii cupă (faze eliminatorii): 0
Total puncte: 13,562.75
Medie puncte/cursă: 8.33
Medie puncte/sezon: 141.54
Averaj pozitie clasament: 462.59
Cele mai multe puncte câștigate într-o cursă: 26.00 (Sezonul 15, Cursa 14)
Poziția curentă: 427
Punctele curente: 100.2001
Realizari echipa:

10% deblocat

Majoritatea membrilor din Elite: 1 (Sezon 6, Cursa 1)
Membrii ajunsi in Elite: 1
Numarul curselor reprezentate in:
Rezultate cumulate:
Rezultate in acest sezon:
Număr de supporteri: 0
Locuri libere: 7

Membrii echipei

Loc Naț Numele managerului Grupa Contribuție
01. Chitral Gandhi Amateur - 62 40.6% (23.6%)
02. Mahesh Bheemaraj Amateur - 60 53.4% (8.7%)
03. Amit Kumar Rookie - 13 6.1% (1%)

Emblema echipei

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Team open to all Indian racers with 100% race participation.

Only Requirement:
Try to Race every race and You will win.
If team-member misses more than 5 races in a season, then the team member will be kicked out.

Below process followed for team applicants and to help GPRO with fake identity, any fake accounts will be reported to GPRO admins
1) Please message the admin after sending the team application
2) Admin will schedule a video meeting to confirm you are who you say you are